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OSEPP Electronics

OSEPP Electronics LOGO

OSEPP Electronics Limited is a small group of engineers and makers from different parts of the world and of different backgrounds. Their tech support team is located in New York, their marketing team is in Canada, and their R&D team is in China (and Arizona, USA). OSEPP’s goal is to inspire kids to make things again and to put their smart phones down. Making things is more rewarding than getting a high score. OSEPP thanks their customers for helping them achieve their goal.

Categoría de productos


Fuentes de alimentación: externa / interna (fuera de placa)

Motores, solenoides, placas / módulos de controladores

Ventiladores, Gestión Térmica

Conectores, interconexiones

Cables, alambres - Gestión

Sensores, transductores

Hardware, sujetadores, accesorios

Fabricante / bricolaje, educativo
